On 12 April 2016 the world lost a very special person. Working with me from time to time we had a great vision.
BSG Elite is the Education Division of Redcamel Systems
Servicing Hitec Computer as a Helping Hand / Community Guardian.
Use Calyspo to see what is in Stock at Hitec Coputers.
An Everyman Solution.
Books On-Line.
Use Calyspo to see what the website of Project Nimrod should be.
Why write a project Managemaent Pagckage when there is a free web service.
This is where you will find your training - login with your own password.
This is where you will find more training - we filled up Digital Champions.
    Use this form to register to BSG Elite - You can register interest now if you have no IT skills and become a Tier 1 developer with 24 hours.
Gain these skills within 24 hours.